Re-registration is a five-yearly check to ensure registered practitioners continue to meet fitness to practice requirements, and to promote improvement in the quality of practice, including through appropriate CPD. This check is more rigorous than annual renewal.
Practitioner registrants will be contacted 6 months prior to their re-registration with a request to submit their application. Reminders will follow until registrants acknowledge their upcoming deadline. If the application is not received in full before the re-registration date, they will be provided a 15 working day grace period to complete the requirements and within this time, the registration status will remain “active” and the registrant’s name visible on the public Register. If a satisfactory application has not been submitted within these 15 working days, a registrants status will be reverted to “lapse” and their name no longer visible on the public Register. Registrants who wish to reinstate their “active” status are required to apply for restoration and complete any outstanding requirements such as re-registration. For more information on how to apply for restoration, please click here. A restoration fee may be applicable.
To successfully re-register, you must submit the following:
- Completed application form
- Recent appraisal
– signed off by a line manager or head of department/service
– completed within the last 12 months
– any type of appraisal under current re-registration policy
- Recent personal development plan
– signed off by a line manager or head of department/service
– completed within the last 12 months
UKPHR Re-registration FAQs
What can I do if I am on maternity leave and can’t fulfil all of the re-registration requirements? e.g. CPD or PDP.
UKPHR has a newly published exemption policy. This would cover maternity and paternity leave. For specific details please view the policy on our website. You must submit a new exemption application for each part of re-registration. For example, if you were on maternity leave for 2022/2023 financial year then you can submit an application for exemption from CPD for that year, however you must submit another exemption application if you were unable to complete an appraisal or PDP for that year also.
What happens if I am self-employed and cannot provide an appraisal and PDP?
If you are self-employed or otherwise do not have an employer or affiliated organisation to arrange for you to undergo appraisal annually, you will need to provide a reference from either a registered Public Health Specialist, a senior
colleague or someone you have been contracted to do work for to fulfil this requirement. The reference would need to refer to the following public health principles:
• They confirm the registrant consistently maintains a commitment to making the health and protection of the public of prime concern.
• They confirm the registrant has maintained high standards of professional and personal conduct.
• They confirm the registrant has been honest and trustworthy in their practice and acted with integrity.
• They confirm the registrant has remained objective and impartial when practicing public health and acted with discretion.
• They confirm the registrant has adhered to principles of equality and diversity, and inclusion.
• The registrant has met their obligations in regard to CPD, PDP planning, registrant’s personal health and professional indemnity cover.
If I am not currently working in public health directly, are the re-registration requirements still the same?
Yes, re-registration requirements are the same whether you are working in public health or not. They are not linked to your job role, but you as a registered UKPHR and public health professional.
Which years was the CPD requirement suspended due to COVID?
The CPD requirement was suspended for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 financial years due to COVID so you won't be required to provide evidence of CPD for both of these financial years at the time of re-registration.
Are the requirements the same if you work part time ie. is it still a minimum of 2 reflective notes?
Yes, re-registration requirements are the same whether you are working full time or part time. They are not linked to your job role, but you as a registered UKPHR and public health professional.
What do I do if I have left my previous workplace and do not have access to my previous training records?
Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to keep all of your records for your re-registration so we would recommend making every effort to obtain them. We do only ask for the CPD reflective notes for the years after April 2022 so we won’t ask for the supplementary information at the time of re-registration.
Is there a benefit in joining the FPH to use their new updated CPD tool including reflective notes?
UKPHR does not stipulate it being mandatory to use the Faculty of Public Health’s CPD tool as this would be up to your discretion. However, many registrants do find it convenient to complete their CPD via their tool and we do accept the return certificates they provide as sufficient evidence. UKPHR has its own guidance on reflective note writing which is in line with that of the FPH. You can access this via our website. You can also download a reflective note template which can be used for your CPD if you choose not to use their tool.
Is there a reflective note template practitioners can use to submit their reflective notes?
Yes, this can be found on our website and by clicking here.
Is there a template for the appraisal or PDP that Practitioners can use?
No, UKPHR do not prescribe a set template as we accept any type of work-based appraisal under re-registration and we are aware different organisations have their own set templates in place.
Do you need to upload annual reflective pieces in advance of the 5 year re registration?
No, you only upload the relevant documents and complete re-registration every 5 years at the time you are due for re-registration. You will be contacted 6 months before you re-registration due date and this is when you can begin to upload documents.
Is there an outline of what is included as CPD? I.e. Seminars etc.
UKPHR do not have a prescribed outline of what is included as CPD as we adopt the Faculty of Public Health’s guidance on CPD. There are a wide range of categories which are listed in the Faculty of Public Health’s website and these can be viewed here.
Do reflective notes have to be on CPD approved training events, or can they be reflections on work?
Reflective notes can be on any type of development work, this encompasses on the job learning, attending webinars or conferences and formal courses. Click here to view a list of potential CPD categories.
Do practitioners also need to confirm indemnity insurance?
Yes, many employers will provide this for practitioners. If you are self-employed, you would need to make your own arrangements in securing indemnity insurance. You will be required to declare this is in place at the time of re-registration.
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