Public Health Heroes: Nominate a practitioner today!
by UK Public Health Register
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how vital public health services are. But those at the front line of public health practice don’t just operate in a crisis – every day, they protect and promote the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and populations across the UK.
Here at UKPHR, we know the extraordinary breadth of knowledge and experience required to be a public health practitioner. We want to recognise and celebrate these unsung heroes for their skills, dedication and achievements – and we want their employers to do the same.
We are inviting employers to nominate their own ‘Public Health Heroes’ – those practitioners who have not only stepped up during the current crisis, but whose ongoing contributions to public health have helped make the UK a safer, healthier, better place to live.
How to nominate:
If you’re an employer, nominate a practitioner today by visiting
There’s no deadline and you can nominate as many practitioners as you like (including multiple members of the same team).
All eligible submissions will be profiled in an online gallery, with both you and your successful nominee each receiving an exclusive digital badge (for use in email signatures and online) in recognition of your status as a Public Health Hero Employer or a Public Health Hero.
If you’re not an employer but you know a practitioner who should be nominated, why not get in touch with them or their employer and send them the link?
Together we can make sure these unsung heroes get the recognition they deserve.
> Nominate your Public Health Heroes here
> And you can view our Hero gallery here

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