Consultation: Introduction of Conditions of Registration 2018
UKPHR has today launched a new consultation on the introduction of Conditions of Registration 2018.
The consultation closes on the 14th December 2017 at 10am.
To provide a written or online response, please click here for further information.
UKPHR sets the terms and conditions for entry onto its register and for remaining on the register.
As UKPHR is not a statutory regulator, there is no underpinning legislation that defines the register’s role and relationship with registrants.
Consequently, the law that governs the register’s relationship with registrants is contract law.
Currently, the terms of the contract which exists between UKPHR and each registrant are to be found in a number of different places. For example, there are statements and documents on UKPHR’s website that are relevant; and there are statements and conditions set out in forms, statements and declarations that applicants and registrants must sign.
Additionally, some terms will have been developed over time, for example by way of “custom and practice”, and others can be implied because they are obvious, necessary or what UKPHR and its registrants mutually understand to apply.
This consultation is intended, therefore, to be part of a process of bringing all these terms and conditions together in one place and leave no room for doubt, as between UKPHR and its registrants, as to the terms of the registration contract.
The most important point that UKPHR wishes to make here is that there should be nothing new in the Conditions of Registration 2018; the intention is to bring together in one place all the terms and conditions that already apply.
For UKPHR, this exercise is a good example, we believe, of our commitment to continuous improvement of our service as well as our transparency and accountability.
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