Benefits of Public Health Practitioner registration
We register Public Health Practitioners who have demonstrated their competence in public health practice. In this way, the public, employers and commissioners of public health services know that practitioners who are registered are safe and effective in what they do. Registration provides assurance, public protection and recognition of achievement.
To registered practitioners
Registered practitioners benefit through securing objective recognition of their achievements, maintaining and enhancing their competence and developing future career options.
To employers and commissioners
Employers and commissioners of public health services benefit through relying on a process which meets their due diligence requirements. Registration signals that the practitioner is competent and fully understands the essentials of the public health role. We want more employers and commissioners to specify that registration is a required quality standard.
Support from an employer can make all the difference in helping public health workers to become registered. The UKPHR Employers’ Toolkit is designed to help employers to help their employees to register as public health practitioners. It provides guidance on creating demand for registration, as well as supporting public health staff in building their portfolio of evidence and undertaking professional development. The toolkit also helps employers to share best practice within their teams too and celebrate the successful professional registration of their staff too. Each section of the Toolkit has ideas, examples and case studies from other employers, as well as a list of clear, actionable points that employers can put into practice for their own workforce.
To the public
The public benefits through knowing that competence, integrity and accountability in public health practice is assured, it can be checked for on a public Register – and there is someone to complain to if things go wrong.
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